About Me
Getting My Eyesight Fixed Once and For All

A few years ago, I realized that there were some big problems with my eyesight. It seemed to be getting worse day after day, and I was convinced that something was terribly wrong. After thinking about it and talking to my family practitioner, I was referred to an optician who really understood what I was up against. Apparently I had been living with an astigmatism in one eye and a serious infection in the other, but the doctor was able to fix my vision. This blog is all about repairing your eyesight without worrying along the way. Check it out for great information!


Types of Children’s Eyeglass Frames: A Guide for Parents

6 December 2023
 Categories: , Blog

For parents, it can be a challenge to find the right eyeglass frames for their young children. Not only do they need to be durable and comfortable, but they also need to fit properly and be appealing to the child. Choosing the right frames can make all the difference in your child embracing their glasses or dreading wearing them. Check out these five different types of children's eyeglass frames available for young kids. Read More …

Pediatric Eye Care Tips To Keep In Mind

17 July 2023
 Categories: , Blog

As a parent, you of course want the best for your young child as they begin to grow up and that will likely include an effort to make sure they get regular visits to the doctor. But beyond your primary care physician, you may also want to put some extra effort into ensuring proper pediatric eye care. Here are some eye care tips to keep in mind for young children. Read More …